Education is a continuum in life that makes you complete with each lesson learnt. Every single day at Appollo is a dawn of new possibility. Collaborative teaching where parents work in partnership with teachers to build a safe, conducive environment that allows each child to excel is what I look at in education.
We emphasise holistic development at our institute and blend in conventional teaching and co-curricular activities that are designed to go hand-in-hand. We at Appollo believe in equal importance to mental well-being of our students which is the key to prepare them in facing the life challenges that lie ahead of them. Leadership skills in each child is dawned when the right mix of self-awareness, courage, problem-solving ability and compassion sets in!
I encourage progressive educators, parents, and students to join our community as we bring learning to life at Appollo National Public School!
Ms Aisshwarya D.K.S. Hegde