RGB (29, 38, 76)
RGB (70, 157, 246)
RGB (240, 148, 54)
These colours represent us everywhere. From our logo to our sports teams to our stationery, this is the primary colour palette that ANPS embraces.
Our logo, wordmark and emblem are all used within rules described in our in-house style guide. We are fully equipped with positive and negative versions of these brand assets for various use cases.
Our new identity puts our logos and colours front and centre, with an emphasis on design and functionality. Our environment is bold too, encouraging our children at school, and our colours are bright yet elegant, drawing in viewers and embracing them with the warmth, intelligence and pioneering spirit that is Appollo.
© 2020–2022 Appollo National Public School. All Rights Reserved. All content unless otherwise mentioned is the intellectual property of Appollo National Public School.